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Dear Ladies and Sirs,
Please make your offers for sale:

Note!(Only Genuine/Original)  Please use only this form for your offer's  need_1113_mobile.xls

Please make your offers for sale:

iphone 5s 16 GB 100 pcs per week

(Any spec., need low price, only new / never locked)

Also, please let me know lead time, whether they are unlocked,
if they are in master carton and what your terms are.


Please indicate:
1. Cost of each model for want of of indicated consignment of the order.
2. Full specification on this model, country of manufacturing, complete set,
availability of the warranty, colour, version software, etc..
3. Condition of payment and delivery.
4. Other additional informations, which you can grant.
Also please send your current price-list

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